As a new single father we have not fully realized, where our lives have taking us. Our homes usually were designed by our wives. Now we are single, we need to start thinking about our own living space. What can we do with color, layout and furniture. It's going to be our home, our domain, ours and our kids' security. What I have found from my many years of designing is that it's totally different to create a space for a single father, who is lost and confused. Sometimes a man just wants his new space to feel like his old space. Sometimes he wants nothing like it was before. If it was white, they want blue. If it was modern, they want classic. After your life has changed utterly, you might want to take your time to decide what you want. I know this, as I have lived with a few chairs, some kind of a sofa and a bed for a year. I didn't want to do anything until I came up with a design. I thought of making it a 50s look or making it look like my grand mother's house, or a clean, very sexy, rich look. I even bought dishes with roosters on them. I am a designer for a career, but like so many other recently single men it's hard to decide what your living space should be like. As a single man you want your home representing strength, success and integrity. It should feel comfortable and cozy, and also represent cleanliness and simplicity. The beauty of simplicity is just that simple.
We have been through so much, as men we just want to come home and be able to relax and rebuild our dreams, our lives with strength. I find myself talking in depth with single men, before I start designing a green environment for them. I would like to create a healthy designed home that is simple, clean and holds a sustainable value. This is why I created the beauty of simplicity - a series on designing for single fathers. A multi-part series discussing each room in depth including the outside. The ultimate single father design. The beauty of simplicity. Single fathers, we have arrived
When you introduce friends to your home, you want the front door to open and your place to represent who you are. Your entry starts the tour showing you have arrived, your living room is tastefully organic and clean with simple lines. The colors are subtle. The environment is inviting and warm, representing a strong man. The tour continues in a dining area that I personally enjoy designing. I prefer a feel that invites soft conversation and intimacy. Now we are getting a feeling of a home. A bedroom is my personal favorite, as I like to say. A man's bedroom tells who you truly are. Your bedroom design is humble, clean, well kept and inviting, but not a playboy presentation and it's off limits. Your kid's room is designed to his personality, that's it! We show our kids security and strength.
Your home as a single father shows who you are! A Single Father.

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