Thursday, June 26, 2008

lets all check out the


Anonymous said...

I stumbled on this blog today, and read the most idiotic thing I've ever heard about those of us interested in going green.

Do you have anything to say in response to people like this?

The Sentient Runner said...

I am the one who wrote that blog you refer to. I just happened to stumble upon your comment here.

First of all, you mischaracterize the nature of my comment. It is NOT about those of you interested in going green.

Secondly, why do you fall into the childish "call him names if you don't agree with him" mentality?

I may have a different point of view about the causes and cures of global warming, but I said nothing at all about those who want to go green. Want to reduce your carbon footprint? Great! Want to go with natural products, organic, minimal impact, etc? I support and applaud you 100%! I am a **barefoot runner** -- how much more natural and low-impact on the environment can you get?

Is my opinion "idiotic" just because you disagree with it? Don't you have any substantive arguments to make? My opinion is not a lonely stand-out in the crowd of public opinion. A former governor of the State of Washington had the same views. Many qualified and recognized scientists currently share the same views. You might not like what my opinion is, and you might not agree with the experts I could cite, if that is the case, explain why. Don't just call me an idiot, you dumb-dumb!
