So many people have been asking about Robert Craymer about his participation in LIVE EARTH in July 2007. After many requests, we (the RC Green Team...whoop!) felt it was necessary to talk about it to the public and finally show some images of the beautiful 100% sustainable suites.
Robert was exclusively invited by AL GORE to design and furnish the suites with all his sustainable and organic furniture for LIVE EARTH. Robert designed the VIP Suites for AL GORE, TIPPER GORE, THE POLICE, THE SMASHING PUMPKINS, BON JOVI, ROGER WATERS, LUDACRIS, KANYE WEST, JOHN MAYER...just a name a few for the concert in NYC on 07.07.07. Robert wanted to specifically give each room its own unique feel and footprint ….from Al Gore’s sophisticated feel…to Bon Jovi’s elegance design…to Roger Water’s clean and relaxed atmosphere. Robert wanted to capture each individual’s personality to create the perfect setting. The response to his design was tremendously successful and positive.
THE ROOMS ARE ALL AVAILABLE FOR SALE…the same sofa’s/sectionals/coffee tables are for sale. Please call the LA La Brea Store for more info or email
Here are some pictures!

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