RC GREEN'S credo is to care about people, their well-being and the healthy environment in theirs abodes. Picking up the right furniture for your living is vital. First of all it should meet aesthetic preferences. Secondly the means and source of manufacturing should be on the high level as well. Recently updated statistics is petrifying of how much harm can cause chemicals and toxins gassing out of your beloved couch or wall unit. Upon many years of careful research Robert Craymer is always seeking the ways of giving the opportunity to live healthy and to indulge the beauty of the design. The result of it is constantly updating collection of RCGREEN, it's amazing design and eco friendly sources of materials and ways of manufacturing make it absolutely unique and extremely valuable.
With the Earth Day coming Robert Craymer of RC GREEN wants to make the possession of natural furniture affordable. Taking care of a healthy future is vital, thinks Robert. His daily Green Thoughts has become one of his now-how. Green life style is not the luxury it is the essential means of saving the life on the Earth. Hundreds of people are subscribed to Daily Thoughts to get inspiration and advise of living green. You may ask where Robert seeks for these green ideas. But the answer is so simple, there is no need to seek, they are everywhere. Open your eyes and listen to your inner voice.
Robert Craymer is pleased to offer a limited sail event in regards of The Earth Day, so people can experience the difference of living in the eco environment. Do not miss this chance, have your green input on the Earth.



For additional offers contact rcgreen @ info@rcgreentree.com
or call us @ 323 933 6499