Seminal Designer Robert Craymer has out done himself. The Reclaimed Suite will be the first of its kind lounge completely designed using all recycled and reclaimed material.
Robert Craymer is creating a Reclaimed Oscar Suite. Designing the first ever green suit and creating a green lounge for major Hollywood events has lead Robert Craymer to out due himself. A reclaimed suite. What is a reclaimed suite? Robert Craymer explains that all the woods, all the materials used will be reused and reclaimed. This will be a first in the green community. Wow, what a concept! "Yes, you can take old furniture, knock it down and reconstruct it into a beautiful design,"says Robert. His passion is overwhelming, when he talks about the design of this beautiful suite, then he pauses, gently looks and talks about his family a moment with the same passion and love. You can see where this man gets his passion from. "A gift is given to you from god," Craymer says, "but hard work you must find deep inside yourself." He smiles, then he is gone again describing his lounge and the look. It sounds incredible and exciting. What a mind! Freedom is found in the places you can go, where others cannot.
The Oscars, the biggest and glitziest award week of the year, is about to hit Hollywood. And Robert Craymer is about to hit the pre-Oscar events. The time before the ceremony is spent in the busiest preparations. Priceless garments are sewed by couturiers. The scene is about to be set up. The speeches for show presenters and many others have been written already and are being learned. Annual Pre-Oscar parties are about to host the nominees and actors
. Mean time Robert Craymer is getting more and more excited completing the final step of his preparation for the Reclaimed Suite arrangement. The custom made reclaimed pieces of furniture have been put in production. Robert Craymer is looking forward to delight the attendants. He is making the statement that this first time ever the whole suite is going to be out of reclaimed wood and reusable materials. He considers it is to be important to aware the actors of the green possibilities. With their example of living green, people can follow the lead and start living green and appreciate the environment.
Robert Craymer's the beauty of simplicity has now achieved a level of design not matched anywhere on the level of sustainability. So there is no more hard taking decisions of design vs sustainability. Robert Craymer has been creating the wholeness style and movement, where beauty can't go without green credential.
Stay connected with Robert Craymer to know up to day info on what he is doing. Connect him on Facebook and Tweeter or visit his website
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300 S La Brea
Los Angeles Ca 90036