Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Green business

Personality knowledge and integrity..
Ya gotta have many things to create a successful business ..
As a designer a business owner a factory owner and retail owner I have been around the block on this..

Creating a green business

So the passion and profitability of creating a green business..
You cannot slap a leaf on your logo or a little green bush add a few green words like Eco or sustainable and ever think you wi be excepted in the green community 

Bassett sofa we will custom it

So not only do we do our styles but we will custom anyone's sofas ,,, it's a sofa !why would you ever buy poison when can create the same furniture in a higher quality and most importantly with no chemicals or fire retardants to effect the health of you or your family..
Rcgreen .org
Robert Craymer 310 779. 6929

Fire retardant free no chemicals all custom only at